Health Services Clinic
A nurse is available to identify health problems and provide clearance for students returning to school following contagious conditions such as head lice, pink eye, rashes, and chickenpox. Parents may call Monday thru Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. with questions concerning health problems relating to school-age children.
6411 Mitchell Avenue, Riverside, CA 92505
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Phone: (951) 509-5033
FAX: (951) 509-6026
Visit Us
6411 Mitchell Avenue
Riverside, CA 92505
Health Services Resources
please click on the drop down arrows for Services under Health Services
In order for your child to carry a self-administered emergency medication on his/her person, please complete this Authorization for Self Administered Medication Form, along with the medication form, and return it to the school's office.
To make sure your child is ready for school, California law, Education Code Section 49452.8, now requires that your child have an Oral Health Assessment Form (dental check-up) by May 31 in either kindergarten or first grade, whichever is his or her first year in public school. Assessments that have been completed within the 12 months before your child enters school also meet this requirement. The law specifies that the assessment must be done by a licensed dentist or other licensed or registered dental health professional.
Take this Oral Health Assessment Form with you to the dentist. If you cannot take your child for this required exam, please indicate the reason for this in Section 3 of the form. California law requires schools to maintain the privacy of students’ health information.
The following resources will help you find a dentist and complete this requirement for your child:
MediCal/Denti-Cal’s toll-free number (1-800-322-6384) or Medical Dental Website can help you to find a dentist who takes Denti-Cal
For help enrolling your child in Medi-Cal/Denti-Cal, or for additional resources that may be helpful, contact the local Department of Public Social Services at 11060 Magnolia Ave. The phone number is 951-358-3400.
Tips for Parents on Oral Health
According to law, schools will administer basic first aid if an injury or illness occurs on campus. It is the parent's responsibility to pick up the child from school if he/she becomes ill or requires more than basic first aid. An emergency number, other than the parent, as designated by the parent, MUST be on file at the school's office for use if an injury or illness occurs when the parent cannot be reached.
Please do not send a child to school with the following symptoms:
Final decisions and exceptions regarding attendance for reasons of health of any student will be at the discretion of the school nurse.
Thank you for helping keep our school healthy and safe.
Please check your child's head periodically for lice and nits (dandruff-like specks that do not fall off).
An early sign of head lice is excessive itching. If discovered at school, you will be contacted by the school. Treatment and removal of live lice should be completed within 1-3 days. After treatment and removal of live lice, your child needs to be seen in the Health Services Clinic for clearance to return to school. The nurse will sign a clearance slip to be taken to your school.