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ParentSquare is the district communication tool.

  • ParentSquare is the district communication tool. There are three ways to access ParentSquare:

    1. Single-Sign-On (SSO) from Aeries Portal account. Login to Aeries at Link to logon to Aeries Portal. Then click on “Communications” button from the Navigation to be redirected to ParentSquare.


    1. Login directly to ParentSquare at Link to access Parent Square. Click on “Forgot Password” on the first login so the system can email the login credential. The email address MUST be the same as the email address for Aeries Portal Account.


    1. ParentSquare App: Login using ParentSquare App. User must have a ParentSquare password (option #2) prior to using the App.
  • All users SHOULD confirm account information to utilize feature such as surveys and forms within the system.

    Click to confirm your account information

    ParentSquare User Agreement

    ParentSquare Confirmation Screen 


    Guide on how to confirm your ParentSquare account

  • Parents and Guardians can view Attendance Notices on their app or web site and can submit notes back to the school.

    ParentSquare Attendance Notice





  • Step 1: Login into ParentSquare using Google Chrome

    Step 2: Click to confirm your account information (if you have not confirmed your account)

    Step 3: Find the post with the form or go from Navigation bar on the left or right to access the Form and click on the Form. If signature is required, click on Review and Sign for an electronic signature. 

    ParentSquare -Forms/Permissions access- Post

    ParentSquare -Forms/Permissions accessParentSquare -Forms/Permissions access - right navigation

    Important: If you have any issue signing the form, please contact the school site. Your name should match exactly on all student records.

    Guide on How to complete a form in ParentSquare